Welcome Buff Monster!
Buff Monster will take part ot the Urban Superstar Show 2010.Buff Monster espone a Urban Superstar Show 2010.
Born in the Hawaii Buff Monster lives in Hollywood and cites heavy metal music, ice cream and Japanese culture as major influences. The color pink, as a symbol of confidence, individuality and happiness, is present in everything he creates. He was originally known for putting up thousands of hand-silkscreened posters across Los Angeles and also in far-away places. When his original and one-and-only wheat paste brush was no longer usable, seven years of frequent poster missions came to an end. Having given up a very productive street art career, he now works exclusively on fine art paintings, collectible toys and select design projects. He paints on wood and his work has been shown in numerous galleries, usually creating large installations to accompany the paintings. His art has been published in a long list of magazines, newspapers and books, including Juxtapoz, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and others.
Nato nelle Hawaii e presto trasferitosi a Hollywood, Buff Monster cita tra le sue ispirazioni l’heavy metal, il gelato e la cultura giapponese. E il colore rosa che gli ricorda le ragazze e le caramelle. Dopo una lunga esperienza nella Street Art e nella produzione di poster in serigrafia coi quali ha tappezzato Los Angeles per anni ora si dedica alla pittura e alla Toy Art. Dipinge su legno, realizza spesso installazioni a forma di cono gelato. La sua arte è stata ospitata in numerosi libri e periodici tra cui Juxtapoz, The Los Angeles Time, The New York Times.
Painting Courtesy ©Buff Monster
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