Welcome Gary Taxali!
Gary Taxali will take part ot the Urban Superstar Show 2010.Gary Taxali espone a Urban Superstar Show 2010.
Gary Taxali was born in Chandigarh, India in 1968. A year later, he and his family immigrated to Toronto, Canada. The encouragement of his parents led Gary to take art classes as a child which eventually led him to pursue an art education. In 1991 he graduated from the Ontario College of Art and immediately began working as a professional illustrator. A few years later, he began showing in various exhibitions and galleries throughout North America and Europe. In 2005, he launched his first vinyl toy, The Toy Monkey, which included a special edition specifically created for The Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. Gary was also asked by the Whitney Museum to donate a limited edition print to be given to top donors at their annual fundraising Art Party. Aside from his gallery shows and illustration work, Gary also devotes a portion of his time traveling through lecturing and teaching at various arts organizations and schools such as The Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto, Canada. He is a Founding Member of IPA (The Illustrators‘ Partnership of America) and sits on the Advisory Board of 3x3: The Magazine of Contemporary Illustration. His last mass production toy figure were "Oh No", and "Oh Oh". His artworks has been shown in galleries and museum in the world.
Gary Taxali è nato a Chandigarth in India nl 1968. Un anno più tardi lui e la sua famiglia emigrano a Toronto, Canada. Gli incoraggiamenti dei genitori portano Gary a prendere lezioni di arte sin da bambino, che lo hanno portato a proseguire la sua educazione artistica. Nel 1991 si diploma presso la Ontario Collage of Art ed immediatamente dopo comincia a lavorare come illustratore professionista. Qualche anno dopo, comincia ad esporre in diverse mostre e gallerie tra Nord America e Europa. Nel 2005 lancia il suo primo vinyl toy, The Toy Monkey, parte di una speciale edizione creata appositamente per il Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. Gary è stato invitato dal Whitney a donare un‘edizione limitata di stampe destinate ai sostenitori più generosi del Museo. Gary passa parte del suo tempo viaggiando tra lezioni e la professione di insegnante in varie organizzazioni e scuole d’arte, come The Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto, Canada. è uno dei membri fondatori dell’IPA (The Illustrators‘ Partnership of America) e partecipa all’Advisory Board di 3x3: The Magazine of Contemporary Illustration. I suoi ultimi art toys usciti sono stati “Oh No”, e “Oh Oh” per la sua nuova compagnia, Chump Inc. Le sue opere vengono esposte in gallerie e musei di tutto il mondo.
Painting Courtesy ©Gary Taxali
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