Welcome Ian Stevenson!
Ian Stevenson will take part ot the Urban Superstar Show 2010.Ian Stevenson espone a Urban Superstar Show 2010.
Ian Stevenson likes to draw on everything and what results is a fusion of funny, weird and down right scary. Studying graphic design at university was his first step and thankfully his course focused on the ideas/fine art aspects of design rather then than computing, nurturing his talent for drawing. After the course he initially worked on his own ideas but then took an opportunity at a design company and worked there for three and a half years. Whilst this professional experience was valuable it didn’t give Ian enough creative scope and he was soon off again focusing on his unique creations. Ian believes his current style came about through spending a lot of time travelling via train, just sitting with a sketchbook, thinking and doodling, “I would finish the journey and look at a half full sketch book and think…what’s going on here. From then on I’ve tried to train it a little bit but mostly it comes out when I’m not trying”. Soon after leaving the design firm Ian meet Chris Knight who soon became a friend and collaborator. Having lots of drawings and struggling with major publishing companies Ian and Chris joined forces to produce his first book ‘Shutup Man’, which soon sold out. Since then Ian has held several successful shows both here and abroad. Not with intent but Ian’s work now accents the big green issue on everyone’s mind. Recent projects use everyday discarded objects such as fridges and cardboard boxes as the canvas for his dubious characters. His wit and beautifully simplistic drawings have made him one of the most interesting and exciting illustrators working today. Ian has exposed his artwork all over the world: Uk, America, Italy, Hong Kong, Sweden, Belgium, Australia, Japan. He partecipate to Pictoplasma, Contemporary Art Forum-NRW in Dusseldorf in Germany, creating a art-wall with Jon Burgerman and Dennis Tyfus and at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) of London. Ian worked for brand as MTV, E4 Music, London Transport, Feref Creative Agency, Perrier,Universal, Paul Smith, Punk Agency, Mother Creative Agency, Jackass 2 The Movie The Social, Pictoplasma, Carhartt, Hove Festival, Norway Barbican, Crib 5 Furniture Agency, Ogilvy.
Ian Stevenson vive e lavora a Londra. Ha studiato graphic design ma fina dall’università ha curato l’aspetto creativo artistico del disegno più che la computer grafica. Ha lavorato per tre anni con una agenzia di design che ha lasciato per dedicarsi completamente alla propria produzione artistica che trae ispirazione direttamente dagli sketchboards riempiti in anni di lunghi viaggi in treno. Il suo primo libro nato dalla collaborazione con Chris Knight , “Shutup man”, è andato rapidamente in sold out, e ora si dedica a disegnare su qualsiasi superficie gli capiti sotto mano, dai frigoriferi riciclati ai marciapiedi, ai muri, alle tele. Ha esposto in tutto il mondo : UK, Hong Kong, Giappone, America, Italia, Belgio, Svezia, Germania, Australia. Ha partecipato come special guest, insieme a Jon Burgerman e Tennis Tyfus, al Forum dei Musei di Arte Contemporanea Pictoplasma di Dusseldorf e dell‘ICA di Londra. Ha collaborato con brand come MTV, E4 Music, London Transport, Feref Creative Agency, Perrier, Universal, Paul Smith, Punk Agency, Mother Creative Agency, Jackass 2 The Movie, The Social, Pictoplasma, Carhartt, Hove Festival, Norway Barbican, Crib 5 Furniture Agency, Ogilvy.
Painting Courtesy ©Ian Stevenson
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