Welcome Shag!
Shag (Josh Agle) will take part ot the Urban Superstar Show 2010.Shag (Josh Agle) espone a Urban Superstar Show 2010.
Joshua Agle (better known as Shag, a contraction of the last two letters of his first name and the first two letters of his last) is a painter, illustrator and designer working in Southern California. His initial intention to establish a career as an illustrator-for-hire was sidetracked when his original paintings began to garner considerable attention from galleries and collectors. Since his first solo gallery show in 1997, Shag has had successful solo exhibitions in the United States, Europe, Japan, and Australia. The paintings themselves celebrate consumerism and consumption on vividly colored, sharply rendered panels; the characters drink, smoke and eat in lavish, stylish surroundings. But Agle see the visuals of his work as window-dressing or stage scenery. He‘s more concerned with the narrative of the art. "Most of my paintings are set in the middle of a story or situation - characters are interacting and reacting to each other and to outside events". Agle doesn‘t offer too many clues about the stories, preferring that the viewer create his or her own narratives to fit the situations.
Currently Shag paints in a large studio with panoramic views of a wooded valley in the hills above L.A., part of a mid-century modern home which he shares with his wife and two children. He is currently creating paintings for upcoming exhibits in New York, Paris, and Tokyo.
Josh Agle aka Shag, è artista, illustratore e designer del sud della California. Le sue intenzioni iniziali di illustratore-in-affitto hanno preso una diversa direzione quando i suoi quadri hanno cominciato ad attirare l’attenzione di gallerie e collezionisti. Dalla sua prima personale nel 1997, il suo lavoro è stato esposto in America, Europa, Giappone ed Australia.
I suoi lavori celebrano il consumismo in techinicolor. I suoi characters bevono, fumano e mangiano lussuosamente, in un mondo calato in atmosfere fashion e stylish. Josh vede i propri quadri come delle vetrine o un palcoscenico i cui i personaggi interagiscono lasciando agli spettatori ideare la storia dietro ad ogni dipinto.
Painting Courtesy ©Josh Agle
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